
Adaptive Advices — Pamphlet to Download

Q: Is your Meeting a safe, loving place?
When we become aware of someone’s need, do we offer assistance?
Are the meetinghouse and the Meeting property accessible to all?
PYM Faith and Practice, 2002

Assistive Devices and adaptation of the environment can help a person be more independent and the community to be more accessible and therefore diverse. This pamhlet offers ideas for thinking in terms of adaptation rather than exclusion or avoidance.  NYYM ARCH Program Coordinator Anita Paul, who has cared for people aging at home, also compiled some suggested resources where individuals and Meetings may find more detailed information.

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Senior Co Housing and Intentional Communities — Pamphlet to Download

Q: How am I helping to develop a social, economic and political system which will nurture an environment which sustains and enriches life for all?
PYM Faith and Practice, 2002

Explores options for living in intentional and cooperative communities and lists resources where one can join or learn about forming residential communities. Such options may be based on shared values and/or resources , and often are intentionally accessible for people who may have age related or other challenges. This may provide a springboard for Meetings to discuss how people will live, and plan for, living in later years in a way that is consistent with one’s values and considers economic and environmental sustainability.

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Housing Options in Retirement — Pamphlet to Download

“What will this newfound present of old age and its unknown future demand of us?”
Mary Morrison, Without Nightfall Upon the Spirit, Pendle Hill Pamphlet 311, Pendle Hill, Wallingford, PA.

This tool explains some of the terms used for various options for housing in retirement. It also explores basic questions to consider when making a choice, and provides a list of websites for more detailed information.

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Care of the Caregiver — Pamphlet to Download

Q: How does our Meeting support caregivers who are facing chronic needs of family and friends?

This pamphlet reviews signs of caregiver stress and makes simple suggestions for how spiritual communities may support caregivers. Additional resources are listed that have been reviewed by NYYM and PYM staff.

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