
Being Present when Friends are Ill — Pamphlet to Download

“The remarkable discovery we can make is that love has not deserted us, and that it is available to us now in a new way…”
Margaret Torrie, 1975, PYM Faith and Practice 2002

This pamphlet centers on The Quaker ABCS of Being a Healing Presence, adapted from James Miller and Susan Cutshall’s Art of Being a Healing presence, helpful hints for when we are called to be with someone who is facing serious illness.  The  reading list was reviewed by PYM and NYYM staff and suggests useful resources for Meeting or Care Committee libraries.

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Spiritual Approach to Dementia Care — Pamphlet to Download

Q: How do we nurture life as Friends for those experiencing dementia or other cognitive changes?

This pamphlet offers basic information about memory loss and dementia and helpful ideas for communicating. Tips for being present with people with dementia are grounded in Friends’ testimony on Equality and belief in the light within all people. The suggested additional resources have been reviewed by PYM and NYYM staff who have cared for people with dementia.

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Discernment for Long Term Care — Pamphlet to Download

Q: “Can I allow myself to be carried, supported, upheld by others and the love of God?”    PYM Faith and Practice, 2002

This looks at essential issues to consider in the decision for long term residential care. Meetings can support individuals and their caregivers by providing opportunities for clearness and support through the discernment process. If long term care is determined to be the best option, this pamphlet covers basic points about what to consider in choosing a facility, and suggestions for further resources.

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